I wrote a blog post in early 2023 about a 2012 auction I attended to show the difference between the pricing of vintage cast iron cookware then and pricing today. The items at the 2012 auction were from a long-time cast iron collector. The pieces were primarily in lovely condition. I recently found the entire…

Griswold Cookware
Collectors and Collections,
History and Stories
Griswold, Lodge, Wagner, Favorite, Wapak, and More!
Down the Rabbit Hole and into the Seemingly Never-Ending World of the Odorless Skillet
The vintage and antique cast iron “Odorless Skillet” – who made it?
Just What, Exactly, is an “Odorless” Cooking Vessel?
In my quest to find out who had manufactured a pretty antique Odorless skillet I used to own, I uncovered a huge amount of information. So much so that I’ve written two blog posts about the topic! Coal, Coke, & Wood-Burning Stoves To understand the Odorless skillet and other kettles/pans/broilers designed for the same purpose,…