I had read that Etta Moses had written the Griswold booklets with recipes,but I had my doubts. I knew that Griswold had both an advertising agency and presumably a marketing department; I found it more likely that those groups generated and implemented the idea. As I was going through “Aunt Ellen’s” booklets, particularly the “Aunt…

Griswold Cookware
Collectors and Collections,
History and Stories
Griswold, Lodge, Wagner, Favorite, Wapak, and More!
M. Etta Moses – Aluminum Cookware Pioneer!
I’m a fan of M. Etta Moses, Griswold’s “Aunt Ellen.” In addition to being the face of Griswold as “Aunt Ellen,” Etta Moses is credited with being the force behind Griswold’s entry into the aluminum cookware market. When Etta Moses died in 1948, newspaper articles hailed her as a “pioneer” and “the first woman to ever…
Aunt Ellen, the Betty Crocker of the Griswold Mfg. Co.
I wrote a little story for Southern Cast Iron magazine about M. Etta Moses aka “Aunt Ellen,” the Betty Crocker of the Griswold manufacturing company. Aunt Ellen appeared on the scene in 1922 and soon became the cornerstone of Griswold’s marketing platform. Southern Cast Iron magazine was kind enough to publish my ditty in the…
Griswold’s “Aunt Ellen” Recipe for Chicken Mousse
I scoured all of Aunt Ellen’s recipes looking for ones I was willing to try. Her recipe for chicken mousse was by far the scariest to me. Here is Aunt Ellen’s recipe for “Chicken Mousse” in its entirety: Chop finely in the Griswold chopper enough chicken to have two cupfuls. Soften a tablespoon gelatin in…
Aunt Ellen’s “Delmonico Potatoes”
from The Aunt Ellen Booklet on Waterless Cooking …with 50 famous recipes from Aunt Ellen Aunt Ellen recommended that her “Mexican Meat Roll” be served alongside Delmonico potatoes. I was making the meat roll, so… Who am I to question Aunt Ellen? Delmonico potatoes, it would be. Here is Aunt Ellen’s 1928 recipe in its…
Griswold’s Aunt Ellen “Mexican Meat Roll” with Baked Bananas
Preparation of “Mexican Meat Roll” with Baked Bananas – a 1920s recipe from Griswold’s “Aunt Ellen”