Griswold Vintage Cast Iron Santa Cake Molds: Current pricing & how to tell an authentic Griswold Santa mold from a reproduction.

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Linda’s Cast Iron Skillet Rhubarb Upside-Down Cake
For her sister’s recent birthday celebration, Linda baked a delicious rhubarb upside-down cake in her vintage Griswold small logo grooved handle number 7 cast iron skillet. It was a big hit! The number 7 skillet worked well because of its size – the vintage Griswold number 7 cast iron skillet is about 10″ in diameter…
Cast Iron Skillet Strawberry – Rhubarb Crumble
I was invited to a pre-Memorial Day shindig at Jerry and Debra’s home, where we were to practice making pizzas in their new outdoor pizza oven. Being the good guest that I am, I asked what I could bring. I don’t want to bring dessert! I was told to bring the fixings to make a…
Best batter for use with Griswold cast iron cake molds?
Directions for baking a cake in a Griswold cast iron cake mold.
Cheater Herbed Parmesan Dinner Rolls
I’m a little embarrassed to share how I made this; it was that easy. I brought it to a friend’s house for a small gathering; it made a pretty presentation and was a hit. Another friend asked me to write down exactly how I made it. So, here it is! Pretty and Perfect for your…
How to Make a Cake to the “Brenda” Standard with a Vintage Griswold Cast Iron Cake Mold
Cast iron collector Brenda Bernstein is a master cake-maker-baker-froster. She makes beautiful cakes and is very accomplished at using vintage cast iron cake molds. Given that Easter is just around the corner, I decided it was time to showcase Brenda’s cake talent just in case you were thinking about making an Easter lamb or rabbit…
Rose Waddell’s Prize-Winning Mahogany Chiffon Hydrangea Cake
…Made in her Lodge Legacy Fluted Bundt Cake Pan I’ve mentioned before that I enjoy following the “Black Iron Master” contest each Sunday on the Facebook page Black Iron Cooking, Antiques, and Humor. Doyle Pregler and Brenda Bernstein often enter the contest – Brenda with her beautiful cakes and Doyle with his delectable meals. Members of the…
How to Make Griswold Cakes in a Vintage Cast Iron Mold
from “AUNT ELLEN’S COOKBOOK” insert for GRISWOLD cake molds. By Doris Mosier LAMB OR RABBIT CAKES ½ CUP SHORTENING 2 ½ CUPS FLOUR 1 ½ CUPS SUGAR 4 TSPS. BAKING POWDER 3 EGGS ½ TSP. SALT 1 CUP MILK 1 TSP. VANILLA Cream shortening, add sugar gradually. Cream well. Add…