Griswold Vintage Cast Iron Santa Cake Molds: Current pricing & how to tell an authentic Griswold Santa mold from a reproduction.

Griswold Cookware
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The O’Neil Home Collection continued: the Basement!
I made twelve videos of the O’Neil collection. The first three showcased the O’Neil home’s kitchen and dining room. Now, we’re moving on to the basement, which is jam-packed with treasures! The O’Neil Basement Collection Coming up next: the Museum! You can also see all of the videos (12!) on my youtube channel.
The O’Neil Home Collection: Kitchen and Dining area
I have had the pleasure of spending some quality time with Marg and Larry O’Neil, both at their stunning residence in Tacoma, WA and at their meticulously curated pole barn private cast iron museum situated on farmland in the outskirts of Tacoma. Every visit to the collection is a journey of discovery, as I continue…
Best batter for use with Griswold cast iron cake molds?
Directions for baking a cake in a Griswold cast iron cake mold.
How to Make a Cake to the “Brenda” Standard with a Vintage Griswold Cast Iron Cake Mold
Cast iron collector Brenda Bernstein is a master cake-maker-baker-froster. She makes beautiful cakes and is very accomplished at using vintage cast iron cake molds. Given that Easter is just around the corner, I decided it was time to showcase Brenda’s cake talent just in case you were thinking about making an Easter lamb or rabbit…
Videos of the O’Neil Cast Iron Museum
Four videos of the 4500 square foot vintage and antique cast iron cookware museum display of Marg and Larry O’Neil of Tacoma, Washington.
How to Make Griswold Cakes in a Vintage Cast Iron Mold
from “AUNT ELLEN’S COOKBOOK” insert for GRISWOLD cake molds. By Doris Mosier LAMB OR RABBIT CAKES ½ CUP SHORTENING 2 ½ CUPS FLOUR 1 ½ CUPS SUGAR 4 TSPS. BAKING POWDER 3 EGGS ½ TSP. SALT 1 CUP MILK 1 TSP. VANILLA Cream shortening, add sugar gradually. Cream well. Add…