from The Aunt Ellen Booklet on Waterless Cooking …with 50 famous recipes from Aunt Ellen Aunt Ellen recommended that her “Mexican Meat Roll” be served alongside Delmonico potatoes. I was making the meat roll, so… Who am I to question Aunt Ellen? Delmonico potatoes, it would be. Here is Aunt Ellen’s 1928 recipe in its…

Griswold Cookware
Collectors and Collections,
History and Stories
Griswold, Lodge, Wagner, Favorite, Wapak, and More!
Griswold’s Aunt Ellen “Mexican Meat Roll” with Baked Bananas
Preparation of “Mexican Meat Roll” with Baked Bananas – a 1920s recipe from Griswold’s “Aunt Ellen”
Rose Waddell’s Prize-Winning Mahogany Chiffon Hydrangea Cake
…Made in her Lodge Legacy Fluted Bundt Cake Pan I’ve mentioned before that I enjoy following the “Black Iron Master” contest each Sunday on the Facebook page Black Iron Cooking, Antiques, and Humor. Doyle Pregler and Brenda Bernstein often enter the contest – Brenda with her beautiful cakes and Doyle with his delectable meals. Members of the…
How to Make Griswold Cakes in a Vintage Cast Iron Mold
from “AUNT ELLEN’S COOKBOOK” insert for GRISWOLD cake molds. By Doris Mosier LAMB OR RABBIT CAKES ½ CUP SHORTENING 2 ½ CUPS FLOUR 1 ½ CUPS SUGAR 4 TSPS. BAKING POWDER 3 EGGS ½ TSP. SALT 1 CUP MILK 1 TSP. VANILLA Cream shortening, add sugar gradually. Cream well. Add…
Shepherd’s Pie, Featuring my Vintage Griswold Cast Iron “Iron Mountain” Chicken Pan
There was still ice on the lake and a nip in the air at my good friend Mary’s cabin on Lake Superior, and Mary and I were in the mood for something hearty for dinner. A quick google search turned up Alton Brown’s Savory Shepherd’s Pie. While Alton didn’t use a cast iron pan to make…
Linda, the Griswold Lamb Cake Mold, and the “Brenda” Standard
In 2013, I gave Linda a Griswold Cast Iron Lamb Cake Mold for Christmas. Linda’s last name is “Lamb,” so it seemed appropriate. For the next two years, Linda repeatedly said she would make a lamb cake in the mold, but she procrastinated (she calls herself the “Queen of Procrastination”). When we went to the…