Peeps, it is not that complicated. Don’t overthink it! Hand wash, dry thoroughly, protect the surface after cleaning. I made a little video a while back showing how I routinely clean my iron; you can take a look at it below. Soap or no soap? The biggest issue that arises with cleaning of cast iron…

Griswold Cookware
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Cleaning Iron – Quick Fixes
CLEANING IRON—QUICK FIXES By Doris Mosier PROBLEM: BUILT UP CRUD & GREASE SOLUTION: LYE For one piece: You will need a plastic bag & easy off oven cleaner. Don’t get the unscented Easy off as it won’t work well. Get the original Easy Off Oven Cleaner. Put your crud-covered iron in the plastic bag. Spray…
Ask Mary: Griswold “Victor” Skillet
The Griswold “Victor” vintage cast iron skillet: pricing, markings, damage and more.