Directions for baking a cake in a Griswold cast iron cake mold.

Griswold Cookware
Collectors and Collections,
History and Stories
Griswold, Lodge, Wagner, Favorite, Wapak, and More!
Litters of Pups
LITTERS OF PUPS by Doris Mosier Pup collecting began for me in 1989 with a $30 green no-name purchased on the route 5 NY trail of antique store hopping. Since then, I’ve seen that these little 1-5/8 inch guys command more than a second look among iron miniature collectors. Made as advertising paperweights, probably by…
Cleaning Iron – Quick Fixes
CLEANING IRON—QUICK FIXES By Doris Mosier PROBLEM: BUILT UP CRUD & GREASE SOLUTION: LYE For one piece: You will need a plastic bag & easy off oven cleaner. Don’t get the unscented Easy off as it won’t work well. Get the original Easy Off Oven Cleaner. Put your crud-covered iron in the plastic bag. Spray…
The Word from Doris: Understanding Griswold
UNDERSTANDING LOGOS AND OTHER CAST IRON COOKWARE TERMS FREQUENTLY USED By Doris Mosier Hopefully, this will take the mystery out of the confusion of Griswold’s many logos frequently referred to by collectors of Griswold. It is not as refined or detailed as a historian would make it, but it is a quick reference for the…
Doris’ List of Some of the Reproductions & Fantasy Pieces that have been Made
REPRODUCTIONS, COUNTERFEITS, FANTASY PIECES By Doris Mosier These items have been reproduced, so let the buyer beware of counterfeits! GRISWOLD SKILLETS #0 skillet—iron, chrome, & aluminum #1 skillet, aluminum #2 skillet (iron & aluminum) #3 skillet smooth bottom EPU #3 square skillet #4 block heat ring skillet #5 ERIE 3348 skillet #6 square skillet #13…
Joe Zawadowski and his Vintage Cast Iron Pups
Joe Zawadowski is a vintage cast iron pup collector. He is also a turtle champion, wood carver, bog hunter, dog judge, and skull seeker. I had wanted to see, learn, and write about Joe’s vintage cast iron pup collection for quite some time. The visit that Linda and I made to Joe and Nancy Zawadowski’s…
The Word from Marg on Griswold Cast Iron Quaker Ware
I posted a series of photos of old advertisements for Griswold Quaker Ware. Old ads such as those are very helpful when trying to determine what pieces were part of a particular line of pans. Larry and Marg O’Neil have the full collection of Griswold Quaker Ware, and I had the opportunity to photograph the…
Lodge Collectors and Collections
Mary’s presentation on “Lodge Cast Iron Collectors and Collections” at the 2019 Lodge Cornbread Festival in South Pittsburg, Tennessee.